PS3、PS4 和 PS6 RV 区域的座位位于较高位置,为确保安全与舒适,我们建议以下人士避免选择这些区域的门票:
• 患有恐高症或心脏病
• 孕妇
• 年幼儿童
• 容易因高度引发不适(如眩晕)
1. 每张门票都附有唯一的二维码(仅限一次性使用),入场时将对其进行扫描。请不要在网上发布您的电子门票或与他人共享,以防止伪造。
2. 电子门票一律不接受截图 / 图片格式。
3. 7 岁及以上允许入场。
4. 所有区域都是对号入座区。系统将自动分配 “下一个可得到的座位”。请在付款前检查分配给您的座位。
1. 价格以马币报价并且还未附加 RM4 Booking Fee(未包含 8% SST)。
2. 每笔交易将收取 RM10 Operational Fee(未包含 8% SST)。
3. 门票先到先得。
4. 购票后恕不退票或换票。
5. 丢失或损坏的门票将不予受理。
6. 如果活动被取消或推迟,或者场地或内容发生变化,我们将尽最大努力使用下订单时提供的联系方式通知所有购买者。但是,购买者有责任检查活动是否在预定的日期、时间和地点进行。对于您可能因旅行、住宿或因活动取消或推迟而产生的其他费用,我们不承担任何责任。
7. 其他条款和条件可能会另外实施或执行。
欲购买轮椅使用者座位(限量),请联络 BookMyShow +603-9212 4202。
1. Each ticket is attached with a UNIQUE QR code (one-time use only) which will be scanned upon venue admission. Please refrain from posting your e-ticket(s) online or share it with others to prevent forgery.
2. Screenshot / image format of e-ticket(s) will NOT be accepted.
3. Admission for 7 years old & above.
4. All areas are numbered seating. System will auto-assign the "Next Available Seat". Please check the seat(s) assigned to you before you proceed with payment.
Terms of Sales:
1. Prices are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia & exclude RM4 Booking Fee (exclude 8% SST).
2. There will be a RM10 Operational Fee (exclude 8% SST) applicable per transaction.
3. Tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to availability.
4. No refund or exchange of ticket(s) is allowed once your booking is confirmed.
5. Lost or damaged ticket(s) will not be entertained.
6. In the event of an Event being cancelled or postponed, or if the venue or content is significantly changed, we will do our best to inform all purchasers using the contact details provided when the order was made. However, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to check whether the Event is going ahead at the scheduled date, time and venue. We cannot be held liable for any expenses you may incur in respect of travel, accommodation, or otherwise arising from cancellation or postponement of an Event.
7. Other terms and conditions apply.
Wheelchair-accessible Ticket:
Limited wheelchair tickets available, kindly contact BookMyShow at +603-9212 4202 for ticket purchases.
2025 姜育恒永远演唱会
713 Axiata Arena 升级引爆
被誉为“情歌王子”的华语乐坛传奇歌手姜育恒,今日惊喜宣布将于 2025 年 7 月 13 日(星期日)晚上 7 时 30 分,在吉隆坡 Axiata Arena 举办出道以来首个马来西亚大型演唱会!这场名为《姜育恒“永远”演唱会》无疑将会是一场盛大的音乐盛宴,不仅是姜育恒暌违马来西亚舞台的强势回归,更将以其跨越 40 年的经典金曲与全新编排,为歌迷献上一场充满情感共鸣的视听盛典。在岁月的长河里,有些声音,穿越时光而不朽;在记忆的深处,有些歌声,总能触动心灵最柔软的部分。2025 年,当经典与情怀再次相遇,姜育恒携其不朽之作,邀您共赴一场关于友情、关于回忆的音乐盛宴。
每一首歌,都是一个故事;每一段旋律,都藏着一段过往。姜育恒用他那深情而富有磁性的嗓音,吟唱着那些年我们一起走过的日子,让《再回首》、《跟往事干杯》等经典曲目,唤醒我们心中沉睡的青春记忆,让友谊的光芒在时间的长廊里熠熠生辉。姜育恒,出道 41 年的神级歌手,歌坛常青树,经典传唱人。此次演唱会他将重新改编经典歌曲《永远》,并在马来西亚首次现场演唱,愿我们友谊长存!
从 80 年代的黄金时代,到如今的新世纪,姜育恒的歌声陪伴了几代人的成长。本次演唱会,他不仅会演绎那些耳熟能详的经典老歌,还将带来全新创作,将传统与现代巧妙融合,为观众呈现一场视听双重享受的视听盛宴。每一次开口,都是对友情的颂歌,每一次掌声,都是对过去美好时光的致敬。共同跟往事干杯,现场感受关于亲情、友情、爱情、生活……共赴一场“永远”难忘的音乐盛宴。
姜育恒自 1984 年出道以来,以《再回首》《驿动的心》《跟往事干杯》等金曲奠定其“忧郁王子”的独特地位。本次演唱会,他将重新演绎这些陪伴几代人成长的经典作品,并融入全新编曲与舞台设计,赋予老歌崭新生命力。此外,姜育恒还将特别献唱其近年创作的歌曲,展现他对音乐永不停歇的热情与探索。正如他此前在马来西亚演出时所言:“台上的我会唱不厉害,台下的你们会唱才厉害!”,本次演出势必将掀起全场大合唱的热潮。
「马来西亚情缘深厚,首度登陆 Axiata Arena」
姜育恒与马来西亚渊源颇深,不仅曾于 2016 至 2020 年担任马来西亚旅游大使,更在 2018 年获封马六甲州“拿督威拉”头衔。此次选择 Axiata Arena 作为大型演唱会首站,标志着他与本地歌迷的情感联结再升级。他坦言:“马来西亚是我音乐旅程中不可或缺的一部分,这里的热情让我每次登台都倍感温暖。”值得一提的是,姜育恒在过往演出中曾以马来语演唱《Anak Kampung》等本土歌曲,展现对马来西亚文化的尊重与热爱,本次演唱会是否再现这一惊喜桥段,值得期待。
在这里,我们共同回忆过去,拥抱现在,展望未来,让音乐成为连接彼此的桥梁。别让遗憾成为未来的回忆。让我们在 2025 年 7 月 13 日这个夜晚,相聚在璀璨的舞台下,与姜育恒一起,唱响那些“永远”铭刻在心间的旋律。让我们携手,在这不凡的旅程中,找寻那份属于你我的“永远”。
《姜育恒“永远”演唱会》将于 2025 年 7 月 13 日(星期日),晚上 7 点 30 分在 Axiata Arena 隆重举办,演唱会门票价格分为 888 令吉(VIP)、788 令吉(PS1)、688 令吉(PS2)、588 令吉(PS3)、488 令吉(PS4)、388 令吉(PS5 & PS5 RV)及 288 令吉(PS6 RV)。 演唱会门票将于本月 27 日中午 12 点正式公开发售!凡购买 VIP、PS1 及 PS2 门票的朋友可通过指定的 promo code 获取 10% 的早鸟票优惠折扣。欲获取 promo code,请游览 Star Fortress 所有社交平台( FB, IG 和 小红书),优惠只到 3 月 2 日,数量有限,先到先得,售完为止!
PS3、PS4 和 PS6 RV 區域的座位位於較高位置,為確保安全與舒適,我們建議以下人士避免選擇這些區域的門票:
• 患有恐高症或心臟病
• 孕婦
• 年幼兒童
• 容易因高度引發不適(如眩暈)
1. 每位观众都必须出示有效的二维码电子门票以进行验证。 电子门票一律不接受截图 / 图片格式。
2. 每张门票都附有唯一的二维码(仅限一次性使用),入场时将对其进行扫描。请不要在网上发布您的电子门票或与他人共享,以防止伪造。
3. 售出的门票恕不退票或换票。
4. 主办方或票务代理对售出门票的任何遗失或损坏概不负责。
5. 主办单位保留更改时间、活动安排及观众人数的权利,恕不另行通知。
6. 建议观众全程佩戴口罩。
7. 场馆内不允许外带食物和饮料。
8. 演出期间严禁进行任何形式的摄影、录像或录音。
9. 持票人可能会在进入场地时接受身体/行李检查。
10. 禁止携带任何武器、尖锐物品、易爆、有毒、易燃、放射性物品,麻醉药品和精神药品,食品饮料,或可能干扰活动正常有序进行的物品进入场馆。
11. 如果门票的真实性或有效性受到质疑,包括门票是否有任何损坏或污损,或者不是从 Organiser/BookMyShow 或主办方授权的销售点购买的,可能会拒进入场馆观看。
12. 您同意接受并遵守任何场地规则或其他规定。主办方和/或场馆管理可以自行决定及保留权利拒绝持票人入场或排除任何不遵守上述规则以及行为不当的持票人。
13. 其他条款和条件可能会另外实施或执行。
活动定于晚上 7 点 30 分开始,请确保您在此之前入场。
Admission Policy:
1. To enter the venue, every attendee MUST print & present a valid e-ticket with QR code for validation. Screenshot / image format of e-ticket(s) will NOT be accepted.
2. Each ticket is attached with a UNIQUE QR code (one-time use only) which will be scanned upon venue admission. Please refrain from posting your e-ticket(s) online or share it with others to prevent forgery.
3. Tickets sold are not refundable or exchangeable.
4. The Organiser or ticket agent shall not be liable and responsible for any loss or damage on tickets sold.
5. The Organiser reserves the rights to revise time, event layout and audience capacity without prior notice.
6. Wearing mask throughout at the venue is advisable.
7. No outside food and beverage is allowed in the venue.
8. Strictly NO photography, video or audio recording of any kind is permitted during the show.
9. Ticketholder may be subject to body/bag checks upon entering the venue.
10. It is forbidden to take into the venue any kind of weapon, sharp objects, explosive, toxic, flammable, and radioactive materials, narcotics and psychotropic substances, food and beverage, or items that may cause disturbance to the regular and orderly execution of the Event.
11. Entry to the event may be refused if the authenticity or validity of a ticket is questionable, including if the ticket has been damaged or defaced in any way, or has not been purchased from Organiser/BookMyShow or authorized points of sale by the Organiser.
12. By entering the Event, you agree to accept and abide by any venue rules or other regulations. Organiser and/or venue may at their sole discretion reserve the right to refuse admittance or exclude any attendees who does not respect the above said rules as well as behaving in an inappropriate manner.
13. Other terms and conditions apply.
Late Admission Rules:
The event is scheduled to start at 7.30pm, so please enter the venue by or before then.
Late arrival may result in non-admittance until a suitable break in the performance.
Tickets may not, without the prior written consent of the Organiser/ticket provider, be resold or offered for resale at a premium (including via on-line auction or other unauthorized resale sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes(including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services. If a ticket is sold or used in breach of this condition, the ticket may be cancelled without a refund and the ticketholder may be refused admission.
The Organiser reserves the right to amend the above without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, the Organiser’s decision is final.